Regardless of what kind of goods you sell, your company’s digital presence plays a major role in determining the performance of your business. If you need new ways to reduce operational costs, maximize sales and profits, automate business processes, an e-commerce website is what you need. Having a website gives your business authority and credibility to stand out from the crowd of already existing businesses. There are numerous other reasons why your business needs an e-commerce website. Read on to find out…
![advantages of an e-commerce website](
A website is the foundation of any business’s online presence. It’s a fundamental tool that can be used to increase awareness and engagement of brands. A great way to do that is to have a website optimised for SEO chances. This means that people could search for products on google and find you amongst the top results. This would drastically increase your reach and customer base. It would also strengthen your business’s credibility and give you a competitive edge over others.
One of the reasons why your business needs an e-commerce website is convenience. Picture this! There are 2 scenarios. Get in your car, drive down to the store, find the right isle, pick what you want, join the queue, pay at the cashier point, get back into your car and drive home. OR, Scenario 2: Grab your phone, add your favorite soccer boots to cart, checkout in less than 2 minutes, while wearing your PJs and sipping tea at 2am. What scenario would you prefer? Convenience is easily the biggest perk of online shopping. An even better scenario is you being the vendor who receives the credit alerts for those transactions.
One great advantage is that e-commerce sites do not require you to be physically present where your customers are. There are no overhead costs like renting a store or paying electricity bills and salaries of staff. Also, the internal productivity of your business could increase drastically by simply providing all the possible answers to questions in the ABOUT, FAQs and CONTACT pages of your website.
One saying that I relate so deeply with goes something like “if you are not making money while you are sleeping, you will work till you die”. Sounds funny when you read it as a Nigerian I know but there’s a deep level of truth to it. Waking up to purchase orders makes my day every-time. If I didn’t have a platform where people could patronise without time restrictions, then it would be impossible for me to succeed in 2022. Majority of the purchases happen after working hours. (Impulse shopping after-midnight is a real thing!) Look it up!
Social platforms can help you generate leads but a website converts those leads into sales.The good news is I can help your business build a strong online presence by building an e-commerce store. What’s even better is the affordability of it all. I worked continuously for years to become an efficient, experienced web designer with the right skills to give brands the necessary digital awareness needed for their businesses to succeed. Feel free to contact me by filling this form. Let’s build your business up now!